Butterflies fill your stomach; you're certain you've found the one. After learning their favorites and special quirks, you decide to spend the rest of your life together. Soon, your special night passes in a magical, blissful blur. Likely there's a honeymoon, but other than that it's rare to have another time dedicated solely to you and your partner. That's why anniversaries are so special; it is a chance to celebrate you and your spouse, your love, and your future. To make your partner feel as special as they did on your first date, wedding night or honeymoon, you have to find the right gift!
A Gift for Passions You Share
Think of tasks or hobbies you enjoy doing with your partner, whether it be as simple as making dinner or as thrilling as sky diving. Is there something that would help you two complete this task easier or more enjoyably? What about something that you two have been saying you've needed for a while? Let's say you enjoy cooking together! Gifts like the cutting board above are great to remind your partner that you not only love them but love spending time with them too.
A Gift for Your Partner's Past-times
What are some things you admire about your spouse? Or some of their hobbies? Giving a gift that is tailored to their interest is a great way to show your spouse that you support them. These silicon rings pictured above are the perfect gift for an athletic spouse, even if you don't love the gym yourself! If you're a wine lover and they prefer whiskey, consider getting them a membership to try a new whiskey every month. Maybe you are allergic to cats but they've loved them since childhood, then give them the gift of a donation to a feline rescue center. Remember, the objective is to show you appreciate their interests even if you do not share them!
A Gift for the Sentimental Spouse
Gifts that are centered around memories definitely stand the test of time. Scrapbooks filled with pictures, trinkets, and stories of the past are a great way to celebrate. Your partner would love a gift that reminds them of your wedding day, like this Night Sky printing above. Some other thoughtful ideas include recreating your first date or a bouquet of the same kind of flowers from your wedding.